Oct 23

Issue 44 Meet Kerrie Saunders Our Gomeroi Cultural Advisor

Kerrie Saunders is our newly appointed Cultural Advisor for the Gwydir Selected Area. Kerrie will be guiding us in communications and engagements with Traditional Owners in the land of the Gomeroi Peoples.
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Aug 23

Issue 43 Warriku-Baaka Rivers Fieldtrip – Amalgamation of Scientific Exploration and Personal Discovery

As an environmental research scientist at the Aquatic Ecology Lab, University of New England, Manisha Shakya recently embarked on a field trip to the Junction of the Warriku (Warrego) and Baaka (Darling) Rivers Selected Area. Read all about her experience.
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Aug 23

Issue 42 Turtles of the Warriku (Warrego) Floodplain

February 2023 saw Dr Deborah Bower and her team return to Toorale National Park (NP) in the Warriku (Warrego) Catchment of Western NSW to continue research with the University of New England (UNE) on freshwater turtle populations in floodplains. Find out more here on their findings.
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Aug 23

Issue 41 Species Benefits of Widespread Inundation in the Gwydir Warrambools

Hydrology is the study of when, where and how galie (water) is delivered into a bagaay (river) channel, floodplain or warrambool (wetland). The Long Term Intervention Monitoring and Flow-MER projects have tracked natural flows and releases of Commonwealth water for the environment into the Gwydir River since July 2014. This delivery of galie directly impacts galie quality and through this defines the living conditions for aquatic species, including gunambaay (waterbirds) andvegetation.
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Aug 23

Issue 40 Commonwealth water for the environment supports breeding ducks in the Western Floodplain

Following the large inundation event Flow-MER scientists Jared Reid and Emeritus Professor Nick Reid undertook a waterbird survey. Many parts of the floodplain were still wet, providing great habitat for waterbirds.
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Jul 23

Issue 39 Gomeroi Warrambools in the Gwydir Wetlands

The Gomeroi Warrambools (Gwydir Wetlands) make up a part of the Gomeroi Peoples Country. Its water is the life source of the Gomeroi People and has been for thousands of years. The wetlands play a major cultural and environmental role, and we explore many elements within with our Gwydir Flow-MER stories.
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Jul 23

Bourke Newspaper and Radio starring Dr Paul Frazier and Dr Mark Southwell

Dr Paul Frazier and Dr Mark Southwell met up with Bourke's Western Herald Newspaper and Rod Corfe from Radio 2WEB to discuss the recent Culture to Science day at Toorale, a part of the Warrego-Darling Flow-MER project.
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