Barwon River at Dangar Bridge (Walgett) on 25 March 2021. Source: CEWO
Environmental water managers have protected a portion of the flows following rainfall and flows into the Barwon-Darling during March and April 2021. The additional flows will help native fish to travel along the Barwon-Darling to improve opportunities for them to feed and breed. An update is available here.
These flows are building on the environmental outcomes provided by last year’s Northern Waterhole Top-up, which comprised six gigalitres (GL) from the Commonwealth and two GLs from NSW.
Environmental water managers recommenced protection of flows in late May. As of today (26 May) approximately 50 GL of unregulated flows have been protected from extraction through the active management of Commonwealth unregulated licenses. Approximately 19 GL of water for the environment (around 4% of the total volume) has flowed downstream of Wilcannia from 1 February to early May and contributed to the inflows at Menindee Lakes.