No Baaka, No Baakandji

Kevin, our Warrego-Baaka (Darling) Cultural Advisor, shared with us this song by Leroy Johnson. It delivers a powerful message from Leroy about the Baaka – the lifeblood of the Baakandji people. No Baaka, no Baakandji. Take a listen here

Issue 31 Flow-MER in the Gwydir: What Do We Do

The Gwydir River Selected Area Flow-MER project monitors six scientific ‘indicators’ to help us understand the impact of water for the environment on the landscape, plants, and animals. These include hydrology, waterbirds, fish (diversity and movement), vegetation and food webs. This article covers how we study these indicators and what some of our findings were for the 2021-22 water year. 

Issue 30 Fieldwork among the Gunambaay (Waterbirds)

Have you ever wondered how the Gunambaay (Waterbird) surveys get done, or even what the experience is like? That is what I wondered before I got the chance to go out to the Gwydir Wetlands State Conservation Area in March for the end of the colonial waterbird mass breeding event. May you get a taste for the marvel that are the Gwydir and the Gunambaay that breed there.

Issue 27 Northern Murray-Darling Basin Environmental Flows Forum

In late May researchers from across the Northern Murray-Darling Basin came to the University of New England to participate in a two-day forum showcasing the last years worth of new environmental flow related science. The annual forum highlights opportunities for collaboration where we all share the mutual goal of achieving better environmental outcomes through environmental water delivery and management.